Break the cycle of OCD.

Effective evidence-based therapy for OCD.

Online therapy throughout California for adults looking for front-line and effective treatment to break the OCD cycle once and for all.

You’re tired of OCD sabotaging your life—you want out of the vicious cycle.

  • Overwhelming obsessions or intrusive thoughts.

  • Spending too much time engaging in obsessions and compulsions.

  • Constantly overthinking and overanalyzing.

  • Worry that something terrible will happen or you’ll mess things up.

  • Compulsions that only give temporary relief.

  • Feeling tense, drained, and constantly fatigued.

  • Being fully present because your mind is stuck on anxiety mode.

  • Your relationships because OCD takes center stage too often.

  • Being less effective and productive at work.

  • Fears that others will judge you if they knew what you think about.

Maybe you’re struggling with…

You’re ready to make a change. Relief from OCD is within reach.

We want you to know that change is possible, and many individuals with OCD have benefited from the evidence-based therapy that we provide. Using proven techniques, we will work together to alleviate your OCD symptoms.

Here’s what we’ll do together.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is a front line therapy with decades of research backing its use for the treatment of OCD.

The central idea behind ERP is to gradually expose yourself to things that trigger your obsessive thoughts (unwanted and distressing intrusive thoughts) and anxiety, while resisting the need to engage in compulsive behaviors that typically follow (response prevention). Doing so will allow you to break the cycle of OCD, and give you an opportunity to learn new and more effective ways of coping. Over time, with repeated exposure practice, you can experience reduced anxiety. The same obsessive thoughts that once controlled many aspects of your life, telling you what you could and could not do, are no longer in control. When you master the skills of ERP and apply them in your daily life, you make the decisions, not your obsessive thoughts or anxiety, resulting in an ability to live life the way you want. 

If the idea of exposure sounds overwhelming at first glance, you are not alone, this is a very common response. This makes perfect sense, as it may feel like your compulsions are the only thing that have kept the worst from happening over the years. It is a major ask for you to try something different, as you will in ERP. However, you can feel confident in your decision to pursue ERP with us. Decades of research shows that ERP helps individuals like you recover from OCD. We personalize ERP to your specific needs, and your unique pattern of obsessions and compulsions, so you can be rest assured that you will get the most out of your experience in therapy. We are excited to work with you and support you along the way to finding relief from your OCD.

What we will work on:

Imagine a life where…

  • Your days are no longer ruled by the cycle of obsessions and compulsions.

  • Your obsessions no longer dictate what you can and cannot do.

  • The time you spent engaging in compulsions is now yours to pursue hobbies or relationships you have been missing out on.

  • You have more effective and adaptive strategies to employ when obsessive thoughts occur.

  • You experience lasting change and relief.

Get in touch

Change is possible.

Click this link to initiate a free, confidential consultation. Taking this first step can be difficult but with a focus on effective treatments and convenience (teletherapy from home!), relief is in sight. We want to help you make a positive change in your life and the consultation can answer any questions you may have about getting started in treatment that is tailored to you.


Frequently asked questions

  • ERP differs from traditional talk therapy. Rather than talking generally about life and its stressors over the past week, each session focuses on your OCD symptoms. This therapy consists of research backed skills that we tailor to your unique circumstances to address your specific symptoms of OCD.

  • Yes! We tailor ERP to specifically address a wide range of obsessions and compulsions, including your unique presentation of OCD. ERP also effective with compulsions that are mental only.

  • Yes, you can engage in ERP while taking medication for OCD. If you have specific medication questions please consult with your medication provider.

relief from OCD is within reach

relief from OCD is within reach —